Sunday, March 6, 2011

Beneath the Smile's.......

As i grew up i always thought the world was a beautiful place to live in with loved ones around u..
but now as i look around all i can see is hollow relationships,broken promises,painful eyes and a lot more..
The love is long lost... people wriggle the life out of you...They wouldn't lose a chance to put u down..
what i'm visualizing is that even though there are people around us,even though we have so many relationships around us...
Yet there is a hollow feeling within.. a feeling of insecurity,an emptiness, a lonely smile, the painful journey of life...
A journey which forces you to hide the real you, the Journey which makes a different person out of you...
There's a rude world out there...
N there's a lot of pain beneath those smiles..............................

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

""A farewell Speech by me... :(

A very Good morning to respected principal, teachers and my dear friends

I’m really happy that I got a chance to speak to all my friends from college on this occasion

Today as I stand over here and look out to my wonderful friends a smile crosses my face with a tear in the eye.....

Two years ago our journey started at Clara’s college. We were not let down. Our professors inspired and challenged us throughout this quest to help us achieve our goals.We worked hard to get where we are today. Together we made it through a stream of midterms and finals, and here we are, down to this very last speech.

The strength of our class is very less, but the memories are countless. Strangers to each other we walked in and hand in hand we walk out from here.

Firstly the Naughty students of t.y.bmm would like to apologise with all our hearts to our dear principal ajay sir and our teachers who we’ve let down many times. Thanks for giving us a chance every time we let you down. Thanks for believing in us and supporting us in everything we did.

Our college has thought us a lot of things

It has taught us to lose and also enjoy winning.

Taught us to have faith in our own ideas, and to believe in one’s self

Taught us to be gentle with gentle people and tough enough to fight the world

It made us learned enough to step into the real world.

We would like to thank each and every member of this institute who has contributed in making a responsible person out of us. Thank you so much.

As we’ll walk out from here, the college walls bear the story of the most precious years of our life. Our hearts filled with the best memories we could ever make.

There were times we laughed, we cried, we screamed with joy. We participated as a team, won together, the feeling of victory, the excitement all these moments we’ve shared are just priceless.

The feeling of having wonderful people around us is very beautiful. But the pain of moving away from them is even greater. But as we say everything’s a part of life as it goes on.

Graduation day is filled with multi-emotions, you feel elated yet dejected. Happy yet sad, as this will be among the last days we will share with our friends and professors. The feeling will seep in later as the day concludes and you’ll wish it never ends. But all’s well that ends well.

As I step down from here I would like to thank each and every dear teacher & friend of mine in helping me to make memories that will last a lifetime. Wishing all of you’ll a successful and happy life ahead of you’ll. God bless you all.

A beautiful day comes to an end with hugs once again and promises to keep in touch. Wishes for a good life and luck flies in every corner while tear eyed students part filled with happy memories.


Sharmin Sheikh

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


One thing i know in life for sure is dat when ur happy go lucky then the world's at ur feet....the moment you hav a problem..The world walks out on you...Realization stuck me dat in the end we hav to walk alone..Even the best of friends dont really care....and when d time comes u really hav to walk alone..people console u jush to know the latest gossip..The world is ruthless n in this selfish world no one is true...we lose ourselves in d crowd..widout realizing how difficult its gonna b to get the old u back again..
Nothing is permanent...the only thing permanent is "change"....people change overnight, relationship's die overnight a lot of things change..but what remains is u... n it's all bout how u take it all.... never lose urself to the bad world....learn to be strong and walk along... :)
noone can take ur pain away so dont let anyone take ur happiness away! :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

"A lost friend......"

This is a poem written long back by me for a very old friend who was very dear to me....i guess we just grew apart from each other.. but ull always hold a very special place in my life.....

Depression seems to shadow on me..
Losing myself the way i used to be...

The laughter with friends has died away...
As darkness now clouds my way...

I looked around but you were never there...
now my life is filled with despair...

Friend you left without sayin a goodbye...
tears weled up with longing in the eyes...

what happened to the times we once shared...
Is this how much u really ever cared?

Why baby why u turned into stoned?
I wish i would know the reason ur gone....

now as i look back the whole way...
I remember every laugh of the day....

The mistakes we made, the tears we shed....

N now that ive lost on u...
I have realized sometimes u hav to let go...

This is all i have to say...
God give you happiness in your way............

New Beginning's........

As i sit right at the coffee shop sipping on coffee thinking about life...i look back upon my life.. surprising myself on realizing what life has moulded out of me... what i was before what i am today N what the future holds...i recollect the "best" days of my life as well as the "worst"...its lik a reunion with the past...the ups and downs, the smiles and frowns...
life has given me alot and now i look back at it with mixed feelings in my heart...but i get an amazing feeling when i go through those memories... because i think " To be successful in life forget the problems u've faced but never forget the lessons it has taught you..

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ä withered Flower"

The ground beneath your feet crumbles when you hear about an 11 year old boy committing suicide.What made him take such a big step? How did he get the nerve to do it? Even adults shudder at the thought of it? What drove him to think that life has come to an end? When the 11 year old had not even stepped out in the real world? That boy was my friend a very close friend. An innocent little boy who was scared to even fall of the cycle And the next thing which hits me is he hung himself!!!!!!!!!!!

“FAILURE “This was the word drilled into his mind time and again. He was overcome with guilt, fear and shame for failing in the 7TH grade for the second consecutive year. What is wrong with the education system? With 1200 registered cases of student suicide are they waiting for more to come? Why can’t they go easy on the students?

“A failed student today maybe a star tomorrow” what they need is just a chance n some support from the school and families.

Everyone’s not gifted with the same brains. Who are the weak students suppose to turn to? Where are they supposed to go? Has the system turned its back on the weak students?

When a student commits suicide, the government talks about the different educational plans coming up for students and how they will be counselled. But what they don’t understand is that counselling is not the only solution. If it was, the death toll of students would not go up to 1200.

The government needs to change the system.

Irrelevant subjects, high cut off’s, increase in grace marks, leniency in checking papers.

Please do something

I’ve lost a little brother. A sweet boy who could have had a bright future, His mom has nothing to look forward to. A single parent all she had was her son. It kills me to feel I won’t be able to see that friendly smile anymore. I won’t be able to hear him laughing, playing running about in the building. I won’t be able to hear his innocent voice taking my name.

It disturbs me to think how a mere piece of paper could decide his fate...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


One thing i know in life for sure is dat when ur happy go lucky then the world's at ur feet....the moment you hav a problem..The world walks out on you...
Realization stuck me dat in the end we hav to walk alone..
Even the best of friends dont really care....
and when d time comes u really hav to walk alone..people console u jush to know the latest gossip..
The world is ruthless n in this selfish world no one is true...we lose ourselves in d crowd..widout realizing how difficult its gonna b to get the old u back again..

Nothing is permanent...the only thing permanent is "change"....people change overnight, relationship's die overnight a lot of things change..but what remains is u... n it's all bout how u take it all.... never lose urself to the bad world....learn to be strong and walk along...