Wednesday, March 17, 2010


One thing i know in life for sure is dat when ur happy go lucky then the world's at ur feet....the moment you hav a problem..The world walks out on you...
Realization stuck me dat in the end we hav to walk alone..
Even the best of friends dont really care....
and when d time comes u really hav to walk alone..people console u jush to know the latest gossip..
The world is ruthless n in this selfish world no one is true...we lose ourselves in d crowd..widout realizing how difficult its gonna b to get the old u back again..

Nothing is permanent...the only thing permanent is "change"....people change overnight, relationship's die overnight a lot of things change..but what remains is u... n it's all bout how u take it all.... never lose urself to the bad world....learn to be strong and walk along...

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